The Guitar
Nick struggled to walk in the door, juggling his bag and keys in one hand, and a few groceries in the other. It was cold enough outside to see his breath in front of him. He had removed his gloves, so his hands were numb, making it even harder to put the key in the lock. When he finally managed to push the door open, he heard his ringtone. He glanced inside his bag to check who was calling and glimpsed his stepdad’s phone number. He heard a faint sound of eggs cracking on the floor, but somehow Nick didn’t register that he had dropped all his grocery bags. He froze in place, unable to process his dad’s phone call or answer. Finally, the phone stopped ringing, and he snapped back into reality. He cursed at the mess he made on the floor and walked inside his small apartment to clean it up. He put all his stuff away and scrubbed all the egg yolk off the floor until the entryway reeked of Clorox. After he ma...